Nasze cztery cele ECI :

1) UE powinna dostosować swoje cele (ustalony na poziomie krajowym wkład) określone w porozumieniu paryskim do redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych do 2030 r. o 80 proc., tak aby do 2035 r. osiągnąć neutralność klimatyczną, a także powinna odpowiednio dostosować europejskie prawodawstwo w dziedzinie klimatu.

Our first objectives is asking the European Union to change its Paris Agreement goals to an 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and net-0 by 2035 for all member states. The European climate legislation needs be adjusted accordingly. We strongly believe that reaching net-0 by 2050 as proposed by new head of commission Ursula von der Leyen is not ambitious enough to stay beneath 1.5°C. This is also backed by numerous studies(like this one) and scientists for future.

2) An EU Border Carbon Adjustment shall be implemented.

With our second objective, we are asking for a charge, called Border Carbon Adjustment (BCA) to be put in place. This means that imported products will be charged according to the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted during the production. That way, a European industry shifting towards a more sustainable production will still be on equal basis with countries who do not respect the 1.5° goal.

3) No free trade treaty shall be signed with partner countries that do not follow a 1.5° compatible pathway according to Climate Action Tracker.

Our third objective is linked to the second one, as we are asking the member states of the European Union not to sign any free trade treaties with countries who are not on a 1.5° compatible pathway. To decide whether a country is on a 1.5° compatible pathway or not, a neutral entity is needed. The Action Climate Tracker has appeared to be an adequate choice, however, suggestions of other entities or even new EU-bodies can be made.

4) The EU shall create free educational materials’ for all member curricula about the effects of climate change.

The fourth objective concerns education. We are asking for free educational material, available to every citizen and adjustable into the school programs of every country of the European Union. It needs to teach not only about the effects but also the causes and solutions to climate change.

The complete text of the ECI and more background information on our objectives can be found here.

Dlaczego to stan wyjątkowy?

Efekty postępującego kryzysu klimatycznego zagrażają życiu na ziemi.
Już teraz można zaobserwować wzrost w liczbie susz, burzy piaskowych, powodzi, fali upałów, tropikalnych cyklonów, tornad, pożarów lasów, tropikalnych chorób, uchodźców klimatycznych, wysychających jezior i wymierających gatunków. A także natężenie podnoszenia się poziomu mórz, topnienia lodowców, pustynnienia, zakwaszania oceanów, niedoborów i zatrucia jedzenia.
The global system is very complex, however we know there are several tipping points that are one-way-streets. The melting of the Greenland Icesheet is one of those. We cannot allow more tipping points to be activated, as the effects will cause unforseen changes, that can have dramatic effects. The time to act is NOW!
More information on the effects of climate change can be found here!

Co to Europejska Inicjatywa Obywatelska (ECI)

W skrócie, jest to petycja kierowana bezpośrednio do Komisji Europejskiej, pozwalająca na znajdywanie rozwiązań w sprawach, którymi zajmuje się Komisja. Po więcej informacji, kierujemy Cię tutaj