Thank you so much for supporting the European Citizens Initiative – “Actions on Climate Emergency”, and welcome to our first newsletter!
Many from the core team attended SMILE – Summer camp for Fridaysforfuture in Lausanne, where we presented our initiative on a press conference where we shared the stage with scientists, Jaques Dubochet and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, activist from Sweden, Greta Thunberg, as well as participants and organisers of SMILE.
As a result we also got to talk to a lot of media as you can see on our web page’s media section.
We also met and discussed with Michael Bloss, German member of parliament from the newly elected European Parliament.
It was a great trip where many of us got to meet face to face for the first time, and work together in person with each other. We thank the team behind SMILE for organizing such a great opportunity for the movement to come together across country borders.
Meet our team
The registration process for a European Citizens Initiative requires you to form a citizens committee of 7 citizens who are citizens and residents of a EU country, and are above the legal voting age in their country of residence.Our citizens committee consists of the following 7 people;
Thomas Eitzenberger, Austria (Representative), Astrid Budolfsen, Denmark (Substitute Representative), Ole Müller, Germany, Federica Gasbarro, Italy, Alejandro Martinez Martinez, Spain, Janina Swiersewska, Poland, and Guilhem Heuline, France.
But our team is much bigger than this, our core team is currently about 15 people and constantly growing! If you want to work with the team, join us on telegram with nearly 200 members!

upper left to right: Thomas, Janina, Jesse, Marvin,
lower left to right; Greta, Astrid, Maria, Alejandro.
Call to action / How can you help?
It would be a great help to us if you would;
So what next?
Right now we are working towards the launch of our signature collection. The European commission will finish their registration process latest 27th of September. We count on all FFF regional groups to collect signatures for our ECI at the massive september strikes that will be organized from 20th-27th in many countries and cities around the globe. For october we plan to have a big official launch event in Brussels either at the EESC or EP co-hosted by members of the European parliament.
Looking forward to pressure European politicians for more ambitious climate measures!
The ECIforFuture Team
1 commento
Carlos · Settembre 5, 2019 alle 4:23 pm
It is imperative to reduce the maximum speed on all European highways to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, this is easy to do and produces immediate results. We must also ensure that all nighttime street lighting is low consumption throughout the European Union, this is also immediately and easily applied. Thank you.