SMILE, Fridays For Future (FFF) International summer meeting, has just started. We are the Core Team for the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) and we are very excited to be here and be able to present our work and the initiative to the European FFF community. Today we have our first press conference during which we will talk about the initiative, our four demands and explain why we have started the ECI.

We are here because we have seen the lack of engagement from politicians and we don’t have time to wait for them. That’s is exactly why we decided that our future must be in our hands, so we started the ECI. Politicians and decision makers need to act like the world leaders they should be!


I am 50 years old and living near Graz in Austria. I am married and I have 2 + 3 children plus a grandchild and a dog which fills my life ;) I am actively fighting to protect our planet / mother Earth now for more then 15 years and still hoping that humanity can change its culture of owning and profiteering towards a balanced way of give and take!

1 comentario

Juan · agosto 23, 2019 a las 5:08 pm

Teneis mi apoyo.
Saludos un calendario con fechas de proximos eventos “manifestaciones” seria muy util para movilizar personas.
You have my support.
Greetings, a calendar with early dates of the next events “demonstrations” would be very useful to mobilize people.

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