Dear fellow climate activists,

We are READY SET GO! Today the European commission has officially started our European citizens’ initiative.

Our goal is to push the new European Commission under it’s new head Ursula van der Leyen to adapt the pre announced climate plans to go nett-0 by 2050 in Europe. This is by far too late and endangers our future and the well being of all life on this planet.

We are not bound to lobbyists and are not under influence of large companies, thus we can demand what is neccessary:

  • EU shall update their NDC to -80% by 2030 and reach net-0 by 2035, and adjust European climate legislation accordingly.
  • An EU Border Carbon/GHG Adjustment shall be implemented.
  • Nem szabad aláírni szabadkereskedelmi megállapodásokat az olyan partnerországokkal, amelyek az 1,5° C fokos felmelegedési határértékkel nem összeegyeztethető pályát követnek az éghajlat-politikai intézkedéseket nyomon követő elemzés (Climate Action Tracker) szerint.
  • The EU shall create free educational material for all member curricula about the effects of climate change.

For this we need to reach 1 million signatures as fast as possible because we have no time to loose and want to target the European Commission and the European Parliament directly.

Please help us by signing our Initiative

Be aware that in some countries passport or personal document IDs are requested. These personal data are stored in strongly encrypted format and will only be sent to national authorities for verification at the end of our ECI.

You want to actively support us? Collect signatures, help us work on social media channels? Join us on Telegram or send us a mail.

Together we can be the change this world needs to be a safe, sustainable and prosperous place for future generations to come!

Join us
Your “Actions on Climate Emergency” Team

Kategória: Newsletter


I am 50 years old and living near Graz in Austria. I am married and I have 2 + 3 children plus a grandchild and a dog which fills my life ;) I am actively fighting to protect our planet / mother Earth now for more then 15 years and still hoping that humanity can change its culture of owning and profiteering towards a balanced way of give and take!

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